Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Shake it, mommy! Shake it!

I'm four months old today and I discovered almonds! Or at least how mommy can shake them and make me laugh. I've also been working on other important skills like making spit bubbles and raspberries. It's one of my favorite pastimes and I don't know why mommy and daddy won't post any pictures of my new talent. It's really lovely.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Another week, another pound

I'm 3 and a half months old, and I'm putting on weight faster than you can say "hot dog smothered in bacon!" Which is what daddy had for lunch last week.
I'm now 14 pounds, meaning that I packed on an additional pound in just two weeks. Here's what else I've been up to – besides turning over, which I did for the first time today.
I learned how to sit up like a big boy last week, so mommy and daddy gave me ...

... my first big boy chair! I love to sit here and chew on my teething ring. Oh, and by the way, I might be teething.

I also learned how to (sort of, kind of) stand up. It's one of the few sure-fire ways to get me to stop crying ...

... although I reserve the right to express my displeasure at any time.

But mostly I spend my time working on getting cuter. It's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it.