Yesterday morning we had an appointment at Maternal Fetal Medicine to run some standard tests they do with all post date babies. They check fetal stress, amniotic fluid levels, the placenta, etc. Well, everything looked good. I guess too good, in fact, for him to want to come out. He's made quite a cozy home and doesn't want to be bothered! We got to see him (sort of) on the ultrasound but it was very hard to tell one part from another since there's no room in there. We have another appointment tomorrow with the midwife to see if my cervix has opened more than a Fruit Loop and discuss possible induction. In the meantime I'll continue to take long walks with Henry and run (lumber) up and down the stairs.
But it's Thursday now, and I heard that you're at the hospital...!!!! Here's to wishing for a speedy delivery. ;-)